Architecte Solutions Marketing ( H/F)

LENA IT , l’ESN inclusive et solidaire recherche pour l’un de ses clients acteur majeur dans la fintech un(e) Architecte Solutions Marketing en mission de longue durée.

Vos missions sont :

 Technology choices: Lead the main technical studies to identify solutions and technologies to be integrated
to the stack
 Guidance and standardization: Build, communicate, engage on and enforce norms, standards and guidelines related to Digital Domain( Marketing Automation, Digital Marketing Platforms, Architecture principles).
 Develop Digital Architecture blueprints (functional, application, infrastructure, security) and drive execution of
roadmaps for Global/Regional Applications.
 Develop Solution Architecture blueprints (functional, application, infrastructure, security) and drive execution of roadmaps for Global/Regional Digital Applications.
 Support projects:
 bring advice regarding Solution and technical design, find the most relevant components for a project depending on business, technical, development and financial constraints (framing & delivery phases)
 ensure relevant usage of the stack, consistency system wide and integrability of the implementation (especially during the delivery phase)
 Assist Global & Local Team Architect in their projects
 Realize his own technical watch
 Governance : Major contributor of the technical communication (bringing the global IT voice to our stackholders – suppliers, digital factories, regional and local teams, global project teams…)

Compétences requises :

Overall 10+ years’ experience, and proven track records in IT architecture management
 Proven expertise in Marketing application development context, related activities with large
 Proven expertise in online / client facing / Digital applications at large scale with multi-country environment
 Experience of international environments and matrix organizations
 Proven experience in urbanization design and with Architecture best practices and tools (APM, devops tools,
Sonar, …)

 Solution and business oriented mindset

 Seasoned developer or technical lead with deep insight into newest technologies and trends,. Dev ops experience.
 Proven track records on architecture in cloud environment
 Experience working on projects that span multiple organizations and business units.
 Strong communication skills with ability to align organization on complex technical decisions. Capability to embark technical teams, and to adapt his/her communication to various attendance.
 Ability to work in a multi-country environment
 English fluent, French, Spanish & Portuguese nice to have
 Working with teams located remotely
 Technology stack: Azure cloud, Azure DevOps, Kotlin/Java for Android and Swift for iOS, App stores management…

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